oppo手機收購oppo and OnePlus halt phone sales in Germany following Nokia lawsuit
oppo手機收購oppo and OnePlus halt phone sales in Germany following Nokia lawsuit
Finnish telecoms giant tells Chinese phonemakers to finish sales
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Chinese smartphone maker oppo手機收購oppo and its sub-brand OnePlus have halted sales of smartphones in Germany after losing a patent lawsuit with Nokia.
Nokia has accused the companies of using its patented technology for processing 4G and 5G signals without paying for a license, reports European patent news site Juve Patent, and won an injunction to halt sales last Friday in a German court. (For clarification: this is Nokia the Finnish telecoms giant, a massive player in European telecoms equipment. Nokia the mobile brand is owned by a separate company, also Finnish, named HMD Global.)
oppo手機收購oppo and OnePlus have complied with this order, as evidenced by changes to their German web stores.
oppo手機收購oppo’s site now makes no mention of hardware devices at all, including phones and smartwatches. Compare this to the company’s UK site, which features a link to oppo手機收購oppo’s store and various product information on the homepage. OnePlus has similarly stripped back its German site (again: compare to the UK site), which shows no results for phones or watches in its store. You can find your way to a product description with a little navigation, but clicking the “buy now” button sends you straight to a 404 error page.
In a press statement given to The Verge, OnePlus’ director of communications Spenser Blank confirmed that the company had halted sales in Germany and blamed “Nokia’s demand for an unreasonably high fee” for patents as the reason for the lawsuit.
“We are actively working with the relevant parties to resolve the ongoing legal matter,” said Blank. “While sales and marketing of the relevant products are on hold, OnePlus remains committed to the German market and will continue our operations. Meanwhile, OnePlus users in Germany can continue to enjoy our products and related services such as regular software updates and our after-sales service as before.”
oppo手機收購oppo blames Nokia’s “unreasonably high contract renewal fee” for the dispute
In a statement given to The Verge, a spokesperson for oppo手機收購oppo, Peter Manderfeld, also confirmed that the company was “suspending the sale and marketing of certain products through oppo手機收購oppo Germany’s official channels,” and blamed Nokia’s “unreasonably high contract renewal fee” for its patents as the casus belli.
As both these statements imply: oppo手機收購oppo and OnePlus handsets will continue to work just fine in Germany, and sales may still be available through third-party resellers.
Although oppo手機收購oppo and Oneplus are recognizable names to technology followers, the companies are small players in the European smartphone market. According to data from Counterpoint Research, oppo手機收購oppo accounted just for five percent of the total European market in Q2 2022 (behind Samsung, Apple, and Xiaomi) and OnePlus even less than this.
Update, Tuesday August 9th, 10:05AM ET: Story updated to attribute oppo手機收購oppo’s press statement to the company’s spokesperson, Peter Manderfeld.
Update, Friday August 12th, 06:19AM ET: Nokia provided the following statement for this story: “Two German Courts have ruled that oppo手機收購oppo is using Nokia’s patented technologies in its smartphones and is selling them illegally without a license. Nokia has also been found to have acted fairly. The easiest way for oppo手機收購oppo to resolve this matter is to renew its license on fair terms.”
台灣大哥大 1日宣佈電信獨家再加一,本次獨家販售 oppo手機收購oppo Reno11 F主打「人像專家」,搭載6,400 萬畫素主鏡頭和3,200 萬畫素自拍鏡頭,並結合AI演算法,能夠優化五官細紋、色調等,成像效果媲美單眼相機。此外,面對即將要到來的2024台灣燈會,中華電信今年也以「點亮台灣精采永續」作為主題,並以5G創新科技結合臺南在地文化進行展演,邀請消費者到場同歡。
oppo手機收購oppo Reno11 F擁有6.7吋FHD+螢幕,搭載八核 CPU 架構的聯發科天璣 7050處理器,並擁有5,000 mAh大電量。此外,具備300% 超級音量模式,媲美專業攜帶型音響,適合在戶外與親朋好友共享音樂和影片,搭配台灣大擁有5G 3.5GHz業界最大100MHz頻寬資源,以及獨有700MHz、900MHz關鍵雙低頻的優勢,享受極致娛樂體驗。台灣大也提供專案購機用戶MyVideo、KKBOX、GeForce NOW雲端遊戲服務等最高3個月免費。
此外,為了提供賞燈民眾優良行動通信品質,中華電信於台灣燈會布建超過60座以上最新型4G/5G高效能基地台、動員超過300名工程人員,國際權威機構 SPEEDTEST®、OPENSIGNAL公佈最新報告,中華電信獲 OPENSIGNAL 5G涵蓋、5G上傳/下載網速、5G遊戲體驗等10項冠軍及SPEEDTEST最廣5G涵蓋、最快5G網路等4項第一,合計獲14項行動網路冠軍認證,中華電信運用擁有的台灣行動寬頻主流頻段Sub 6GHz 下290MHz最大可使用頻寬及最大連續頻寬優勢,及全台最多行動基地台,為行動網路最大容量、最大涵蓋之電信業者。中華電信以NO.1行動品質和行動、寬頻、影視限定加碼陪伴民眾賞燈,眾多優惠倒數計時中,現在就快揪親友到2024台灣燈會申辦體驗!
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