Oppo announces the Oppo MR Glass Developer Edition, a headset for developers in China to create mixed reality apps, powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon XR2 Plus oppo手機收購

11 月 5, 2024 #oppo手機收購

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The headset is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon XR2 Plus chipset.Mixed reality refers to technologies that encompass both virtual reality and augmented reality (AR). People can wear a headset and see digital images or videos imposed over the real world in front of them.oppo手機收購oppo is bullish on the future of mixed reality and sees it as the next computing platform after the smartphone.”It has the potential to become a new computing platform,” Xu Yi, director of XR technology at oppo手機收購oppo told CNBC.oppo手機收購oppo has been working on AR glasses for a few years, releasing its latest version — the oppo手機收購oppo Air Glass 2 — last year. The device looks like a standard pair of glasses.The MR Glass Developer Edition, meanwhile, is a bulkier headset that comes with controllers allowing users to interact with the things they see in front of them.Xu admits that for mixed reality “to be a real product or a successful product a lot of things still need to get improved,” including the technology and applications. .”Everybody wants to do AR because it has huge potential but the technology is not there yet, it may be several years away,” Xu said.That’s why oppo手機收購oppo is looking to entice developers to create the applications that will make mixed reality popular. The company will make its headset available for developers in China in the second half of the year. It said it has not plans to make the device commercially available yet.Xu said that mixed reality will eventually lead to full AR, which is being experimented with now but remains in its infancy and has yet to grow into a mass-market product. Xu envisions an AR device as one that will be worn all day by the user.”AR will be something similar to smartphones. Because the ideal AR is where you can wear [it] all day, with all functionalities, it will one day be comparable


9月份由iPhone 16 上市掀起手機換機熱潮,更帶動手機換機潮。根據市調機構最新全台實體通路調查數據,9月手機市場整體銷售量約45.7萬部,較上月大增逾10.4萬部,總銷售額更暴增1.7倍;傑昇通信分析,本月適逢新款iPhone 16系列強勢登場,再掀9月手機市場換機潮,不僅在銷售量、銷售額上奪冠,展現強大市場影響力,更一舉奪下熱銷單機冠軍,成為三冠王。

▼9月份不意外由iPhone 16奪下熱銷手機排行冠軍。(圖/ETtoday資料照)


2024年9月台灣手機市場銷售排行揭曉,蘋果在9月中正式推出iPhone 16年度智慧手機新品,才開賣10天,新舊iPhone就霸榜9席,幾乎過半,取得超乎預期的銷售成績。全台最大連鎖通訊門市─傑昇通信表示,在9月銷售排行中,蘋果iPhone 16 系列佔據排行榜高達7席,且由iPhone 16 Pro(256GB)空降銷售冠軍,iPhone 16 Pro Max(256GB)、iPhone 16(128GB)分別為第三名及第四名,市場銷售不如以往的傳言不攻自破。

比較特別的是,本月冠軍iPhone 16 Pro(256GB)銷量是iPhone 16 Pro Max(256GB)的1.6倍。傑昇通信坦言,雖然iPhone 16系列發表後,Pro Max在預購階段的需求,實際上高於Pro,然而首批到貨量有限,且新色供不應求,導致當時缺貨的程度最久要等待21天才能出貨,是本月退居榜眼的主因,不過從排名來看,無損果粉對新機的熱愛;反倒是沒有新色迷思的果粉,加上今年新機並未調整價格,選擇價格率先閃跌的iPhone 16 Pro,進而推升銷量奪冠。

傑昇通信指出,蘋果三星競爭激烈,在9月熱銷前20款手機中,三星擁6款機型進榜。本月安卓熱銷手機依然由三星Galaxy A55(8GB/256GB)獨占鰲頭,僅次iPhone 16 Pro(256GB);在前五名Galaxy A15(4GB/128GB)無懼iPhone 16新機,仍維持強悍的競爭力。旗艦機方面,Galaxy S24 Ultra(12G/256G)更上升兩個名次到第十五名,持續蟬聯最賣安卓旗艦機,而Galaxy Z Flip6(12GB/256GB)名次雖有下滑,也保持穩定銷售狀態,廣受消費者喜愛。

在9月銷售榜中表現不錯的oppo手機收購oppo,本月新進榜Reno12 Pro(12GB/512GB)的緞帶金和星塵棕,就搶進熱銷榜第十七名,包含上月進榜的Reno12 Pro(12GB/512GB)星幻紫及A3 Pro(6GB/128GB)進榜三席,用好成績實現以親民價格將AI手機普及化;另一款新進榜的vivo V40(12GB/256GB)在熱銷榜第十八名,傑昇通信認為,oppo手機收購oppo Reno12 Pro多款配色熱賣,vivo V40則以輕薄機身及蔡司鏡頭,成功獲得消費者青睞,顯示兩大品牌在中階手機市場的競爭力。


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