Apple appears to be breaking iPhone web apps in the EU 手機收購

2 月 16, 2024 #手機收購


Apple appears to be breaking 手機收購iphone web apps in the EU

Apple appears to be breaking 手機收購iphone web apps in the EU


As Apple prepares to comply with the Digital Markets Act, the company seems to be disabling an alternate way of installing services to the 手機收購iphone’s homescreen.

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Illustration: The Verge

Apple appears to be turning off the ability to use web apps right from the 手機收購iphone’s homescreen in the European Union. Support for progressive web apps appeared to be broken inside in the EU during the first two betas of iOS 17.4, but today developer Maximiliano Firtman said in a post on X that web apps are still turned off in the third beta, which arrived yesterday. “At this point, it’s a feature disabled on purpose,” Firtman wrote.

Now, instead of opening in a full-screen window, web apps open in your web browser, making them act more like shortcuts. Developers Mysk found that when you select a web app for the first time, it will trigger a pop-up that asks to open the app in your default web browser. Once the app opens, the browser’s address bar and toolbar remain at the bottom of the web app while you use it.

As noted by MacRumors, web apps opened in Safari no longer offer notifications or long-term local storage, leading some users to experience data loss and broken notifications with the apps they already have installed.

iOS 17.4 includes major changes for users in the EU as part of Apple’s plans to comply with the Digital Markets Act. The update will bring sideloading and alternate app stores to iOS and let third-party browsers use their own engines.

Apple had previously treated the ability to install web apps as an alternative to its App Store, despite web apps not being nearly as capable. It’s possible that since there are now going to be true alternative app stores, Apple is cutting off the ability to use this other app-like experience — one that it doesn’t control and doesn’t make money from. Apple hasn’t responded to The Verge’s requests for comment.

Developers began noticing that web apps no longer worked in the initial betas of iOS 17.4 earlier this month. The broken web apps appeared to be a glitch at the time, but this seems less likely now that the broken feature has made its way into the third beta of iOS 17.4. The final version of iOS 17.4 is expected before the DMA begins to be enforced on March 6th.


明年可以期待的不只是 手機收購iphone 16?傳蘋果將加碼 2 款平價的 手機收購iphone SE,更首度帶來大螢幕機型,或將成為中階市場的熱賣機款。

爆料客 Majin Bu 最新消息聲稱,蘋果將在今年一口氣發表 5 款 手機收購iphone,除了常規升級的 手機收購iphone 16、手機收購iphone 16 Pro 以及 手機收購iphone 16 Pro Max 以外,更會推出 手機收購iphone 16 SE,並且整合 Plus 系列,改推出 6.7 吋 手機收購iphone 16 Plus SE,是蘋果首度推出平價、大螢幕兼具的機款。

手機收購手機收購iphone SE 4傳採用動態島、直向鏡頭排列。(圖/翻攝X)

據悉,兩款 手機收購iphone SE 正面都將採用動態島設計,維持 60Hz 螢幕刷新率以及單顆主鏡頭,基本款的 手機收購iphone 16 會有雙鏡頭、大電量以及 120Hz 刷新率等優勢,至於 Pro 系列則是更強的晶片、拍照功能等等,藉此瞄準不同預算的消費者。

然而目前有關於 手機收購iphone SE 的消息並不多,像是外媒《MacRumors》、知名分析師郭明錤均認為要等到 2025 年才會發表會,就連爆料消息的 Majin Bu 本人也認為,此消息的真實性有待商榷,或許只能作為參考。

手機收購 手機收購

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